地域 分類 著者・書名・出版地・出版社・出版年      
TH AfMx Gutkind,P.C.W. and P.Waterman, eds., African Social Studies : A Radical Reader, London, Heinemann, 1977.
TH Af経 Meillassoux,C., Maidens, Meal and Money : Capitalism and the Domestic Community, Cambridge, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1981.
TH Af類 Binsbergen,W.van and P.Geschiere, eds., Old modes of production and capitalist encroachment, Lodon, KPI, 1985.
TH Af類 Crummey,D. and C.C.Stewart, eds., Modes of Production in Africa : The Precolonial Era, Beverly Hills, Sage, 1981.
TH AW類 Horowitz,M.M. and T.M.Painter, eds., Anthropology and Rural Development in West Africa, Boulder, Westview Press, 1986.
TH Mx経 Amin,S., The Law of Value and Historical Materialism, New York, Monthly Rwview Press, 1978. *
TH Mx経 Baran,P.A., The Political Ecomoy of Growth, New York, Monthly Review Press, 1957. *
TH Mx経 Frank,A.G., On Capitalist Underdevelopment, Bombay, Oxford Univ. Press, 1975.
TH Mx経 Holloway,J. and S.Picciotto, eds., State and Capital : A Marxist Debate, London, Edward Arnold, 1978.
TH Mx植 Brewer,A., Marxist theories of imperialism : A critical survey, London, R.& K.Paul, 1980.
TH Mx植 Brewer,A., Marxist theories of imperialism : A critical survey, London, R.& K.Paul, 1980.
TH Mx政 Davis,H.B., Toward a Marxist Theory of Nationalism, New Monthly Review Press, 1978. *
TH Mx類 Blanton,R.E., et al., eds., Economic Analysis beyond the Lacal System, New York, Univ. Press of America, 1997.
TH Mx類 Bloch,M., ed., Marxist Analyses and Social Anthropology, London, Tavistock, 1975.
TH Mx類 Bloch,M., Marxism and Anthropology : The History and a Relationship, Oxford, Oxford Univ. Press, 1983. *
TH Mx類 Clammer,J., ed., Beyond the New Economic Anthropology, London, Macmillan, 1987.
TH Mx類 Dalton,G./Isaac,B.L., eds., Research in Economic Anthropology, Greenwich, JAI Press, Vol.9, 1987.
TH Mx類 Dalton,G./Isaac,B.L.,eds., Research in Economic Anthropology, Greenwich, JAI Press,
TH Mx類 Dalton,G./Isaac,B.L.,eds., Research in Economic Anthropology, Greenwich, JAI Press, Supplement 1, 1980.
TH Mx類 Dalton,G./Isaac,B.L.,eds., Research in Economic Anthropology, Greenwich, JAI Press, Supplement 2, 1986.
TH Mx類 Dalton,G./Isaac,B.L.,eds., Research in Economic Anthropology, Greenwich, JAI Press, Supplement 3, 1988.
TH Mx類 Dalton,G./Isaac,B.L.,eds., Research in Economic Anthropology, Greenwich, JAI Press, Supplement 4, 1989.
TH Mx類 Dalton,G./Isaac,B.L.,eds., Research in Economic Anthropology, Greenwich, JAI Press, Supplement 5, 1990.
TH Mx類 Dalton,G./Isaac,B.L.,eds., Research in Economic Anthropology, Greenwich, JAI Press, Supplement 6, 1992.
TH Mx類 Dalton,G./Isaac,B.L.,eds., Research in Economic Anthropology, Greenwich, JAI Press, Supplement 7, 1993.
TH Mx類 Dalton,G./Isaac,B.L.,eds., Research in Economic Anthropology, Greenwich, JAI Press, Vol.1, 1978.
TH Mx類 Dalton,G./Isaac,B.L.,eds., Research in Economic Anthropology, Greenwich, JAI Press, Vol.10, 1988.
TH Mx類 Dalton,G./Isaac,B.L.,eds., Research in Economic Anthropology, Greenwich, JAI Press, Vol.11, 1989.
TH Mx類 Dalton,G./Isaac,B.L.,eds., Research in Economic Anthropology, Greenwich, JAI Press, Vol.12, 1990.
TH Mx類 Dalton,G./Isaac,B.L.,eds., Research in Economic Anthropology, Greenwich, JAI Press, Vol.14, 1993.
TH Mx類 Dalton,G./Isaac,B.L.,eds., Research in Economic Anthropology, Greenwich, JAI Press, Vol.15, 1994.
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TH Mx類 Dalton,G./Isaac,B.L.,eds., Research in Economic Anthropology, Greenwich, JAI Press, Vol.17, 1996.
TH Mx類 Dalton,G./Isaac,B.L.,eds., Research in Economic Anthropology, Greenwich, JAI Press, Vol.2, 1979.
TH Mx類 Dalton,G./Isaac,B.L.,eds., Research in Economic Anthropology, Greenwich, JAI Press, Vol.3, 1980.
TH Mx類 Dalton,G./Isaac,B.L.,eds., Research in Economic Anthropology, Greenwich, JAI Press, Vol.4, 1981.
TH Mx類 Dalton,G./Isaac,B.L.,eds., Research in Economic Anthropology, Greenwich, JAI Press, Vol.5, 1983.
TH Mx類 Dalton,G./Isaac,B.L.,eds., Research in Economic Anthropology, Greenwich, JAI Press, Vol.6, 1984.
TH Mx類 Dalton,G./Isaac,B.L.,eds., Research in Economic Anthropology, Greenwich, JAI Press, Vol.7, 1985.
TH Mx類 Dalton,G./Isaac,B.L.,eds., Research in Economic Anthropology, Greenwich, JAI Press, Vol.8, 1987.
TH Mx類 Dunn,S.P., The Fall and Rise of the Asiatic Mode of Production, London, R.& K.Paul, 1982.
TH Mx類 Godelier,M., Rationarlity and Irrationality in Economics,(Paris,Maspero,1966), New York, Monthly Review Press, 1972. *
TH Mx類 Hindess,B. and P.Q.Hirst, Mode of Production and Social Formation, London, Macmillan, 1977.
TH Mx類 Hindess,B. and P.Q.Hirst, Pre-capitalist modes of production, London, R.& K.Paul, 1975.
TH Mx類 Kahn,J.S. and J.R.Llobera, eds., The Anthropology of Pre-Capitalist Societies, London, Macmillan, 1981.
TH Mx類 Littlefield,A. and H.Gates, eds., Marxist Approaches in Economic Anthropology, Lanham, Univ. Pres of America, 1991.
TH Mx類 Narotzky,S., New Directions in Economic Anthropology, London, Pluto Press, 1997.
TH Mx類 Richards,A., Development and Modes of Production in Marxian Economics : A Critical Evaluation, Chur, Harwood Academic Publishers, 1986.
TH Mx類 Seddon,D., ed., Relations of Production : Marxist Approaches to Economic Anthropology, London, F.Cass, 1978.
TH Mx類 Taylor,J.G., From Modernization to Modes of Production, London, Macmillan, 1979.
TH Mx類 Terray,E., Marxism and "Primitive" Society, (Paris, Maspero, 1969), New York, Monthly Review Press, 1972.
TH Mx類 Wilk,R.R., Economies and Culture : Foundation of Economic Anthropology, Boulder, Westview Press, 1996.
TH Mx歴 Dixon,M., ed., Contemporary Marxism, Vol.9, Imperialism and the Transition to Socialism, San Francisco, ISMEC, 1984.
TH Mx労 Miles,R., Capitalism and Unfree Labour : Anomaly or necessity ? , London, Tavistock, 1987.
TH W3Mx Banerjee,D., ed., Marxian Theory and the Third World, Beverly Hills, Sage, 1985.
TH W3Mx Chilcote,R.H., ed., Dependency and Marxism : Toward a Resolution of the Debate, Boulder, Westview Press, 1981.
TH W3Mx Limqueco,P. and B.MacFarlane, eds., Neo-Marxist Theories of Development, London, Croom Helm, 1983.
TH W3Mx Thomas,C.Y., Dependence and Transformation : The Economics of teh Transition to Socialism, New York, Monthly Review Press, 1974. *
TH W3経 Agarwala,A.N. and S.P.Singh, eds., The Economics of Underdevelopment, London, Oxford Univ. Press, 1958.
TH W3経 Amin,S., Accumulation on a World Scale : A Critique of the Theory of Underdevelopment, New York, Monthly Review Press, 1974. *
TH W3経 Amin,S., Unequal Development : An Essay on the Social Formations of Peripheral Capitalism, New York, Monthly Review Press, 1976. *
TH W3経 Amin,S., Imperialism and Unequal Development, New York, Monthly Review Press, 1977. *
TH W3経 Arrighi,G., The Geometry of Inperialism : The Limits of Hobson's Parafigm, London, NLB, 1978. *
TH W3経 Berger,P.L., ed., Capitalism and Equality in the Third World, Lanham, Hamilton Press, 1987.
TH W3経 Bernstein,H., ed., Underdevelopment and Development : The Third World Today, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1973. *
TH W3経 Blomstrom,M. and B.Hettne, Development Theory in Transition, London, Zed Press, 1984.
TH W3経 Chilcote,R.H. and D.L.Jonson, eds., Theories of Development : Mode of Production or Dependency ?, Beverly Hills, Sage, 1983.
TH W3経 Emmannuel,A., Unequal Exchange : A Study of the Imperialism of Trade, New York, Monthly Review Press, 1972. *
TH W3経 Frank,A.G., Dependent Accumulation and Underdevelopment, London, Macmillan, 1978. *
TH W3経 Hobson,J.A., Imperialism : A Study, (London, G.Allen & Unwin, 1938), [?], Ann Arbor, 1965. *
TH W3経 Hopkins,A.G., Two Essays on Underdevelopment, ?, Institut Universitaire de Hautes Etudes Internationales, 1979.
TH W3経 Hunt,D., Economic Theories of Development : An Analysis of Competing Paradigms, New York, Harvester Wheatshaf, 1989.
TH W3経 Lehmann,D., ed., Development Theory : Four Critical Studies, London, F.Cass, 1979.
TH W3経 Louis,W.M.R., ed., Imperialism : The Robinson and Gallagher Controversy, New York, Franklin Watts, 1976. *
TH W3経 Owen,R. and B.Sutcliffe, eds., Studies in the Theory of Imperialism, London, Longman, 1972.
TH W3経 Oxaal,I., et al, eds., Beyond the Sociology of Development : Economy and Society in Latin America and Africa, London, R.&K.Paul, 1975.
TH W3経 Raffer,K., Unequal Exchange and the Evolution of the World System, London, Macmillan, 1987.
TH W3経 Rhodes,R.I., ed., Imperialism and Underdevelopment : a reader, New York, Monthly Review Press, 1970. *
TH W3経 Sau,R., Unequal Exchange, Imperialism and Underdevelopment, Calcutta, Oxford Univ. Press, 1978.
TH W3類 Mair,L., Anthropology and Development, London, Macmillan, 1984.
TH W3類 Ortiz,S., ed., Economic Anthropology : Topics and Theories, Lanham, Univ. Press of America, 1983.
TH W3類 Plattner,S., ed., Economic Anthropogy, Stanford, Stanford U.P., 1989.
TH W3類 Wolpe,H., ed., The articulation of modes of production : Essays from Economy and Society, London, R.& K.Paul, 1980.
TH Wo貨 Parry,J. and M.Bloch, eds, Money and the morality of exchange, Cambridge, Cambridge Univ. Press., 1989 ?.
TH Wo企 Marcussen,H.S. and J.E.Torp, The Internationalization of Capital, London, Zed Press, 1982.
TH Wo企 Radice,H., ed., International Firms and Modern Imperialism, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1975.
TH Wo企 Sorensen,G., Transnational Corporations in Peripheral Societies, Aalborg, Aalborg Univ. Press, 1983.
TH Wo金 Hilferding,R., Das Finanzkapital, Band I, Frankfurt, Europaische, 1968.
TH Wo金 Hilferding,R., Das Finanzkapital, Band II, Frankfurt, Europaische, 1968.
TH Wo経 Amin,S., G.Arighi, A.G.Frank and I.Wallerstein, Dynamics of Global Crisis, London, Macmillan, 1982. *
TH Wo経 Frank,A.G., World Accumulation, 1492-1789, New York, Monthly Review Press, 1978. *
TH Wo経 Harcourt,G.C. and N.F.Laing, eds., Capital and Growth, Harmondsworth, Penguin Books, 1971. *
TH Wo経 Helleiner,G.K., ed., A World Divided : The Less Developed Countries in the International Economy, Cambridge, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1976.
TH Wo経 Kaplan,B.H., ed., Social Change in the Capitalist World Economy, Beverly Hills, Sage, 1978. *
TH Wo経 Tarbuck,K., ed., The Accumulation of Capital, Imperialism and the Acumulation of Capital, New York, Monthly Review Press, 1972.
TH Wo経 Thompson,W.R., ed., Contending Approaches to World System Analysis, Beverly Hills, Sage, 1983.
TH Wo社 Mendell,M. and D.Sale, eds., The Legacy of Karl Polanyi : Market, State and Society ..., London, Macmillan, 1991.
TH Wo政 Hopkins,T.K., and I.Wallerstein, eds., Processes of the World-System, Beverly Hills, Sage, 1980. *
TH 現企 Dunning,J.H., ed., International Investment, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1972.
TH 現経 Elkan,W., An Introduction to Development Economics, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1973.
TH 現経 Gutkind,P.C.W. and I.Wallerstein, eds., The Political Economy of Contemporary Africa, Beverly Hills, Sage, 1976.
TH 現経 Robinson,J., The Accumulation of Capital, London, Macmillan, 1958.
TH 現社 Beteille,A., ed., Social Inequality, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1969.
TH 植経 Boulding,K.E. and T.Mukerjee, eds., Economic Imperialism : A Book of Readings, ?, Ann Arbor, 1972.
TH 植経 Brown,M.B., The Economics of Imperialism, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1974.
TH 歴経 Bauer,P.T., Reality and Rhetoric : Studies in the Economics of Development, Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press, 1984.
TH 歴経 Hilferding,R., Das Finazkapital, Band I, Frankfurt, Europaische Verlagsanstalt, 1973. *
TH 歴経 Hilferding,R., Das Finazkapital, Band II, Frankfurt, Europaische Verlagsanstalt, 1973. *
TH 歴社 Tressell,R., The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists, New Monthly Review Press, 1955. *
TH 歴類 Acheson,J.M., ed., Anthropology and Institutional Economics, Lanhan, Univ. Press of America, 1994.
TH 歴類 Carrier,J.G., Gifts and Commodities : Exchange and Western Capitalism since 1700, London, Routledge, 1995.
TH 歴類 Issac,B.L., ed., Research in Economic Anthropology, Vol.19, London, JAI Press, 1998.
TH 歴類 Issac,B.L., ed., Research in Economic Anthropology, Vol.20, London, JAI Press, 1999.